A Wolf By Any Other Name

Yesterday as I was browsing the Twitters…..I came across a tweet that someone liked from an account, ‘The Deconverted Calvinist’. I decided to click on the tweet, since it was part of a thread, and there was a familiar sound to it….

What was noticeably absent from this Twitter account was any clue to the identity of the person behind it.

So I decided to ask:

I never received a reply to my question, so I decided to do a little digging.

The Back Story

In May of 2019, Dave Gass exploded on the Twitter-verse with his long thread (read about it here) about leaving Christianity and how he was so burned out, blah blah blah. He was on the cusp of atheism, and he gained a lot of support from that community. Unfortunately all of the support that he garnered devolved into him begging for a job and people offering to send him money. 

Then the truth came out.

Turns out ol’ Dave was just your average clergy sexual abuser.

A deacon from Dave’s former church, Grace Family Fellowship Church, came forward and made a public statement that Dave had had an affair (clergy abuse) with a married woman in the congregation. It had gone on for at least a year (that we know of) and there were rumors that he had done this at previous churches he worked at. More people came forward to say that he had left his wife and children and was living with the ‘other woman’.

A member of Gass’ survivor group came forward and revealed that Gass had stolen money, and essentially disappeared, leaving his wife & children destitute.

Another person who knew him had this to say about another case of clergy abuse Gass was guilty of:

I was contacted by direct message on Twitter by a member of the church that Dave abruptly left:



When Gass was confronted with the truth, his first course of action was to minimize his crimes….

(FYI Dave – Clergy Sexual Abuse is a crime in 14 states)

Thankfully people didn’t buy his story, he was publicly drawn & quartered, then quickly disappeared. 

Just Can't Help Myself

Narcissistic pastors just can’t stay out of the limelight….and for the record, it is only my opinion that I believe Dave Gass is a narcissist. Now here he is, less than a year later, begging for sympathy again, blaming all of his problems on Christianity (in particular, Calvinism). Like a typical narcissist (IMO) he needs someone or something to blame other than himself for his imploded life. Personal responsibility does not seem to be his strong suit. I hope his therapist reads this post.

He ticks all the narcissist pastor boxes:

  1. Rebrand? check
  2. Cool wardrobe? check
  3. Pleas for sympathy based on non-truths? check
  4. Deceiver? check
  5. Serial predator? check
  6. Humble-bragger? check

Dave went as far as to refer to himself by a new name on his YouTube channel. He now goes by Jack. An attempt at anonymity, I suppose. 

His current (and only) series of videos on his channel is about DATING…and he informs us that he is currently single. Watch out ladies!

In case you were wondering if this is, in fact, Dave Gass…

He brags about being a snappy dresser:

And a humble-brag about serving at a food bank :

And this tweet where he laments over raising his daughters in a rigid religious environment, but no mention of any repentance over his clergy sexual abuse of women and abandoning his family. 

What is noticeably absent from Dave Gass’ timeline is any semblance of honesty, humility or repentance. He is once again, hiding behind a cloak of feigned martyrdom, a self-proclaimed victim of evangelicalism, when in reality he is nothing more than a serial clergy sexual abuser who abandoned his family and is trying to outrun his past. 

The Apostle Paul told us that wolves would come in AMONG us – the church. A wolf is a wolf is a wolf – never a sheep. That is why we have to stay vigilant to root out the wolves in the church. They don’t get 2nd chances and they don’t get to come back in to devour again. Ever.

We have to hold these predators accountable.



Dave Gass has surfaced a THIRD time as @handymanjackkc on Twitter, attempting to infiltrate religious spaces. 

He was recently outed by @reliefbelief on Twitter for some VERY disturbing content on a Tumblr blog (he has now since deleted). They were able to archive the links and posted some screenshots. (WARNING: NSFW) Please read their post here for the complete story on that recent development.

Many thanks to @reliefbelief for writing the post and helping to expose Dave Gass as he keeps reinventing himself on social media.

When @reliefbelief initially made me aware of the Tumblr blog, I immediately reached out to a family member of Gass’, who had previously contacted me about him. They assured me that they would be contacting his ex-wife with this information, since Gass has minor aged daughters. Dave Gass is clearly a very disturbed individual who actively seeks out spaces to prey on vulnerable people (young women, religious & non-religious support groups, etc). I will definitely continue to post about him as I receive new information. It seems to be the only way to hold this guy accountable.

I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock;

Acts 20:29


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2 years ago

If someone had more information how would they contact you?