One of my favorite authors, Milan Yerkovich said about adulthood, 

“One of the things we need to do as adults and part of becoming an adult is accepting the reality of how adulthood feels – and adulthood feels, at times, like there is a hole in our heart- that there’s something missing. To live in this world has an anxiety associated with it, that there’s NO EDEN ELSEWHERE and that’s part of the struggle. We are searching for something that’s totally elusive in this world and impossible to find. We need to learn to sit in this discomfort and bring it into relationship.”

“Wow! Such powerful words and an amazing perspective!  When I first heard this on Milan’s radio show, New Life Life, I wrote it down as fast as I could! This concept was so profound to me. I believe that what he said is completely true – we will never find that absolute true perfect peace this side of heaven, therefore we must take the pain and anguish of this life and truly deal with it, then ultimately bring it into relationship. Having experienced a great deal of abuse and dysfunction in my life has caused me to advocate for abuse victims, particularly those who have been wounded in the church. The silencing and cover-up that happened after my own clergy sexual abuse has stirred in me the desire to give victims a voice, as well as expose abuse in the church.